How to Fix Cracked Tires? Step-By-Step Guide

Cracking in tires is a significant issue. Individuals who are having any kind of vehicle can understand this issue very easily. At whatever point there is an issue, there should be an answer for that issue. This general is going to realize how to fix cracked tires.

How to Fix Cracked Tires

It is a common problem for many drivers to face dry rot or tire cracking. Meanwhile, many car mechanics suggest people change the tire instead of solving the problem of cracking tires that can be not in favor of you financially. In this case, you should go for fixing cracks in the tire.

How to Fix Cracked Tires: Tire Cracking Guide

Replacing cracked tires is not a solution every time. It would be a better idea to fix the cracks of the tire instead of replacing the tire which can cost you a lot. There are some solutions that can be helpful to know how to fix cracked tires. These solutions are given below.

1. Use of Sealant

Sealant is a fibrous liquid that is mostly used to fix the tire internally. It is very useful for the little cracks that cannot be even seen easily.

Using sealant for the purpose of fixing cracks in tires has its own procedure.

Use of Sealant

Make Your Vehicle Cool Down:

It is obviously dangerous to do any mechanical work on your vehicle just after you drive it somewhere. For that purpose wait for some time to let your vehicle cool down.

Remove Stem Valve:

Afterward, just remove the stem valve and jack up your vehicle. Now remove the tire as well with the proper method of removing a tire.

Prepare and Apply Sealant:

Now it is time to prepare the sealant according to the instructions given on the packing of the pack of sealant. After preparing the sealant, it’s time to inspect the cracks and apply a sealant to them. Put the injector or spout into the valve stem. Press or splash according to the measurement of sealant.

Reinflate Tire and Drive:

The following procedure causes low air pressure in the tire. reinflate the tire according to the need and test the result by taking your vehicle on a little ride by driving it.

2. Use of Protectant

Protectant helps in maintaining the quality of your vehicle. Vehicle tires are made of rubber, which is an elastic material. There are many factors that affect the life and performance of a tire. Protectant provides protection to the rubber by improving its flexibility, reducing abrasion, and aiding in its resistance to chemicals and physical stress.

Cool Down Your Vehicle:

When it is important to cool down the vehicle internally, it is also important to cool it down for external tire treatment. So wait for the vehicle to cool down.

Jack Up and Remove Tire:

It is time to jack up your vehicle and start removing the tire according to the procedure. After that examine the tire and measure the cracks that you found on the tire.

Degrease Tire and Wash It:

When you have grease on the surface of the tire, it would be difficult to apply protection to the tire. For this purpose, apply degreaser on the tire that is available in markets. Try to apply the degreaser evenly on the tire. Scrub the tire as well for proper application of protectant and wash it.

Apply Protectant and Reinstall Tire:

The last step of this procedure is to apply the protectant as per the instruction given on the packing of the protectant. Make sure you just filled up all the cracks and if you are satisfied with the results your work is done. If you still find some issues just repeat the process and yes you have got the solution to your problem. You can reinstall the tire now.

Causes of Cracked Tires

Before going further we should know the reasons why we face cracking problems in tires.

Extreme Winter and Extreme Summer:

Extreme cold or extreme heat can cause cracks in tires because tires are made of rubber and in winter like freezing points or summer that feels like boiling can damage the rubber. In winter, tires can turn rigid and in summer tires can get issues of heat fatigue.

High Air Pressure:

The Air pressure of tires must be at a certain point. Air in the tires must not be overpressure and also not be under pressure. It is because both underpressure and overpressure can cause problems and tire cracking is one of the problems. 

High Air Pressure

Driving on Bad Roads:

When the surface in which you are driving is rough, it also causes dry rotting or cracked tires. So, try to avoid driving on bad roads. 

Rubber Aging:

Every living and non-living thing has a certain age and so does the rubber. When you use a vehicle for so long tires would definitely get damaged. As a result, a vehicle owner faces cracked tire issues.

Some Tips to Protect Tires From Cracking

Here are some suggested tips to protect your tires from cracking. It is true when you give good care to something, it can extend the life of that thing. Let’s have a discussion on some tips that could be useful in this case.

tips to protect tires

Good Maintenance:

Good maintenance is very important for the life of a vehicle. Just clean the tires from time to time and check air pressure daily. 

Good Parking Place:

When you park your car at an appropriate place, your vehicle would be safe, and covering the vehicle is also important. You should try to cover your vehicle whenever you part it. 

Do Not Get Your Vehicle Parked for So Long:

A vehicle basically is a machine. You need to start it from time to time. It will help the vehicle run its machinery easily. If you do not drive your vehicle for so long, different parts of the vehicle can be jammed. 


Tire cracking is a natural process and it is not always worth it to change the tire. Alternatively, a vehicle owner can fill the cracks internally and externally. Both of the procedures are discussed above. You can follow the procedure and solve your problem of cracked tires at home. In the end, we can say that a reader would definitely be able to fix cracked tires on his own just after reading this article.

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